Please insert the "SaleSmartz CD" for the voice guide.
Please insert the "SaleSmartz CD" for the voice guide and type its drive letter if necessary.
James now has a quote
James wants a quote now
Ring James about some furniture
An invoice
An order!
Stock upgrade
Saving of documents has been disabled and other features are restricted. You may experience some delays when opening windows. This is due to demo data being created or changed.
After this demo you may install a 30 day full trial version.
An error occurred while opening the voice file. The guide will continue without sound.
This is a 30 day trial version of SaleSmartz. The multi-user functions have been disabled.
Any of the information you create now can be used later when you purchase SaleSmartz.
Running this demo from a CD will be slower than normal.
The "Demo" menu contains a list of example functions that will guide you around SaleSmartz.
Examples can be stopped if you wish to use the application yourself.